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Free Communications & Research

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Free Communications & Research Committee

Mission statement or goals:
The goal of the Free Communications & Research committee is to encourage and facilitate the scholarly development of student and professional members of SWATA by providing them an avenue for presentation and funding of their work, helping them to become well-rounded clinicians, and enhancing the evidence-base within District.

Committee Chair
Dr. Brendon McDermott
Committee Members
Andrew Cage
Melissa Long
Charity McCright

Abstract and research grant applications are now being accepted. Please follow the link to the document for submission instructions.

2025 Call For Abstracts – Application & Instructions

The SWATA Research and Education Committee would like to formally announce the “Call for Abstracts” for the Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia in Arlington, Texas July 21-23, 2022 All licensed and/or certified members in Texas and Arkansas are eligible to submit original research or a case study, and the Research and Education committee would like all eligible athletic trainers in SWATA to take advantage of this opportunity. The deadline for submission of a properly formatted abstract is May 22, 2022 by 11:59 pm. Detailed information regarding the submission guidelines as well as the submission application can be found on the SWATA website under the “Free Communication and Research” link. Submissions that are recommended for acceptance will be assigned as either an oral or poster presentation at the 2022 annual meeting.

In addition to the Call for Abstracts, SWATA will again be offering their Free Communications and Research Committee (FCRC) Grant program. SWATA will provide (2) undergraduate and/or entry-level master’s students up to $500 to assist with the costs associated with their faculty-mentored research project. SWATA will award up to $1000 to a graduate student (post-professional master’s or doctoral) to assist with costs associated with the completion of their thesis project. Proposals which have inherent clinical application will be viewed favorably. Similar to the Call for Abstracts, the deadline for the SWATA Grant will be May 15th, 2022 by 11:59 pm.

The mission of the Free Communications and Research Committee (FCRC) is to encourage and facilitate the scholarly development of student and professional members of the Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association (SWATA) by providing an avenue for presentation and funding of their work, helping them to become well-rounded clinicians, and enhancing the evidence base within District Six. The guidelines for the 2022 Free Communications and Research Committee Abstract Competition will adhere to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Foundation guidelines. Faculty and clinicians are welcome to submit an abstract, but only undergraduate, entry-level masters, and post-professional masters and doctoral students will be eligible for awards.

To assure the exchange of valuable information, the FCRC utilizes a blinded peer-review process for abstracts following standardized guidelines but expects abstracts to be submitted at a quality worthy of publication. Each submitted abstract will be blinded and reviewed by a minimum of two committee members. Due to the potential number of abstracts reviewed it is essential for investigators or clinicians submitting abstracts follow these instructions precisely and copy edit their own work. Abstracts that are not submitted in accordance with the instructions below have a strong likelihood of being rejected.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to submit either original research or a case study for consideration.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact SWATA.